ColombAge: Intergenerational Cohabitation

ColombAge Cohabitation enables seniors (aged 60+) to host a trusted young individual in their unused room. This offers seniors support, minor services, and extra income. The entire cohabitation process is managed by ColombAge Cohabitation, from contract initiation to conclusion.

RAKK: Home gym solutions

RAKK offers a turnkey solution for owning a home gym, starting at just 10m². We sell online gyms for businesses focusing on employee well-being and CSR initiatives, as well as for health-conscious individuals, with convenient payment options.

THE BOOTSTRAP SKEMA Ventures is back : strengthen your business idea

To help student-entrepreneurs at our campuses in the US and France strengthen their business idea, SKEMA Ventures is organizing three-day Bootstrap workshops. The first one will be held from November 13 to 15 at the Raleigh campus and second one from November 20 to 22 at the Sophia Antipolis campus.

Le Startup Kafé marque le début de leur aventure entrepreneuriale !

Les Startup Kafés Fall 2023 organisés par SKEMA Ventures ont eu lieu, sur les campus de Paris, Lille, Sophia Antipolis et Raleigh. Cet événement phare, a rassemblé les étudiants et diplômés de SKEMA Business School intéressés par l’entrepreneuriat à impact glocal.

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